This leads to the definition of the scattering vector as: In accordance with Bragg's law, each ring corresponds to a particular reciprocal lattice vector G in the sample crystal. The angle between the beam axis and the ring is called the scattering angle and in X-ray crystallography always denoted as 2 θ (in scattering of visible light the convention is usually to call it θ). When the scattered radiation is collected on a flat plate detector, the rotational averaging leads to smooth diffraction rings around the beam axis, rather than the discrete Laue spots observed in single crystal diffraction. Two-dimensional powder diffraction setup with flat plate detector. This is because orientational averaging causes the three-dimensional reciprocal space that is studied in single crystal diffraction to be projected onto a single dimension. In powder diffraction, intensity is homogeneous over φ* and χ*, and only q remains as an important measurable quantity. This three-dimensional space can be described with reciprocal axes x*, y*, and z* or alternatively in spherical coordinates q, φ*, and χ*. Because of this regularity, we can describe this structure in a different way using the reciprocal lattice, which is related to the original structure by a Fourier transform. Mathematically, crystals can be described by a Bravais lattice with some regularity in the spacing between atoms. In practice, it is sometimes necessary to rotate the sample orientation to eliminate the effects of texturing and achieve true randomness. Therefore, each plane will be represented in the signal.

Therefore, a statistically significant number of each plane of the crystal structure will be in the proper orientation to diffract the X-rays. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) operates under the assumption that the sample is randomly arranged. In contrast, in powder diffraction, every possible crystalline orientation is represented equally in a powdered sample, the isotropic case. Single crystals have maximal texturing, and are said to be anisotropic. The distinction between powder and single crystal diffraction is the degree of texturing in the sample. Because the sample itself is acting as the diffraction grating, this spacing is the. These waves interfere destructively at points between the intersections where the waves are out of phase, and do not lead to bright spots in the diffraction pattern. If the atoms are arranged symmetrically with a separation distance d, these waves will interfere constructively only where the path-length difference 2 d sin θ is equal to an integer multiple of the wavelength, producing a diffraction maximum in accordance with Bragg's law. When these waves reach the sample, the incoming beam is either reflected off the surface, or can enter the lattice and be diffracted by the atoms present in the sample. The source is often x-rays, and neutrons are also common sources, with their frequency determined by their de Broglie wavelength. (Powder electron diffraction is more complex due to dynamical diffraction and is not discussed further herein.) Typical diffractometers use electromagnetic radiation (waves) with known wavelength and frequency, which is determined by their source. The most common type of powder diffraction is with x-rays, the focus of this article although some aspects of neutron powder diffraction are mentioned.